Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010

I like to have the kids sit on pumkins every year and compare how they have changed.  My Emily is growing up into such a lady.  She said it was proper to cross her ankles.  So sweet!

William is, as always, my clown.  It is quite difficult to get a picture of him without a silly grin or crossed eyes. 

It was way past Rachel's naptime when we went up to the patch.  She was rather grumpy, but isn't she cute?!

Esther is my wild child.  She has very definate ideas of what she wants and this pose is all her.

I love my children!

They are so precious to me.


My children have an obsession with sticks.  Perhaps because there is a tree in our side yard that sheds buckets of them if there's even a slight breaze.  Anyway, the other day they made a little fire pile and danced around making "indian" noises.  Even Rachel got in on the fun.  Silly but adorable!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Both my girls joined Girl Scouts during 1st grade.  This was Esther's last year as a Daisy.  She bridged over to Brownies and Emily welcomed her in as a new "sister".


This is what the witches were supposed to look like.  I think we did a pretty good job!

Emily is the most careful worker.

William made a giant mess but was super pleased with his work.

Rachel didn't care one bit about putting candies together; all she wanted was to eat!

Esther had some trouble but once she got herself set up she had a great time.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


All of my children have their own extracurricular activity.  It gives them a confidence boosting event, plus a talent that is not shared by siblings.

William just started martial arts this fall.  Master Will wasn't sure if he was old enough yet so he did a little test to be sure William could follow directions and had the proper body coordination.  He passed with glowing colors and all the other children and parents were a little stunned to see this shrimpy little guy come in and take seasoned wrestlers down to the floor on his first night!  William is a sweet boy but he is incredibly strong and determined.

Emily takes ballet with Ballet West Academy.  The school is directly affiliated with the company Ballet West and they get to do fall and spring performances on the stage of the Capitol Theater.  Emily has been training there for two years already and is so excited that this year she is old enough to be part of the performances.  (Ballet West won't let anyone under 8 on the stage for insurance purposes).  So, I should get to see some great stuff soon!

Esther has been taking gymnastics for the last two years.  She is a bit shy at the beginning of every new year and hesitant to move up in levels, but once she gets going she is fearless!  She is so strong and loves to be physically involved.

Back to School

Emily and Esther started school in August and were so excited that they planned what outfits to wear and how they wanted their hair done weeks in advance.  (They both wanted curls and Esther's ended up nice with just big loose curl while Emily looks a bit '80s, but both are lovely).

Esther is always nervous the first day of school.  She found her locker and was backing out of the class doorway until one of her friends called out "Esther, your seat is next to me!"  Then she walked in and dismissed me!

Emily is only ever excited about school and hanging out with friends.  And teachers.  She reminds me so much of myself because her teacher are actually some of her best friends.  I love that about her because she is a great friend for me too!

William started school a few weeks after the girls.  He doesn't go to Bonneville, but instead is in Pre-K at Woodrow Wilson Elementary.  Bonneville doesn't have a Pre-K (bummer!) but since he desperately needs boys to hang out with he is very happy here.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Emily wanted to ride the scariest thing at the fair.

I decided I didn't want her to go alone and went along.

Going up the 200 feet was a bit frightening.  Really I just had this horrible irrational fear that Emily was going to fall right out so I grabbed her hand and wouldn't let go even though she wasn't scared at all.

It only took two seconds to drop back to earth but in that two seconds I forgot to breath or think or anything else.  Terrifying!!

It was a lot of fun though, and Emily felt very brave.