The Tuesday before Thanksgiving the Salt Lake valley was issued a disastrous blizzard warning. Businesses closed early, schools were cancelled, university events were post-poned; basically the entire city shut down around 3pm to prepare for the worst storm in 20 years! As part of that James' work informed him that afternoon that he would have to stay in the hotel across the street so that he would be able to get to work the next day. Well, James called me, I packed us all up, and we met James after work to check into the Hyatt. It was a wonderfully cozy evening and quite an adventure as we watched the snow start to fall around 6pm.
My children all snuggled into one of the queen size beds (though we'd thought to bring Rachel's pack'n'play bed), they watched Pink Panther on our computer and were silly and giggly. So much fun!
This is the view out the window of the hotel at about 9pm. The snow was falling slowly but the wind whipped it up so that the roads truly were whitewashed and very dangerous. Funny though that the total snowfall was only about 2 inches. Turns out it was only the wind that was a problem overnight. But we still had a luxurious hotel and dinner on Fidelity!
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