Sunday, March 13, 2011

10 Years!

On December 16th James and I had our 10th anniversary!  Wow!  Looking back it doesn't seem that long but here I am with four children, the oldest one eight years old.  It has been a time of trial, joy, and change.  I love my husband and all of those ten years have been rewarding.

Since James had to work the day of and the day after our anniversary we didn't get to celebrate until the 17th.  I dropped the kids at Brina's house in Provo and then we made a night of it!  We checked into the Armstrong Mansion downtown Salt Lake where each room is named and decorated for a month of the year.  We were in the December room and had our own Christmas tree, fire place and whirl pool garden tub.  It was gorgeous and ever so romantic.  Then went out for an amazing dinner at the New Yorker.  It was a beautiful restaurant and there were poinsettias and white twinkle lights everywhere.  What a romantic atmosphere.  Afterwards we drove to West Valley to watch "A Christmas Carol" at the Hale Center Theater.  I was so fun to watch.  I'd never seen a play done on a circular stage before and it really did make the audience almost part of the performance.  It is such a wonderful story of change and hope.  I love Charles Dickens and was very impressed by this version of the play.

The next day we spent window shopping downtown and even spent some time at Anthony's Fine Art and Antiques, a gorgeous building full of the most amazing items.  All of them were way out of our budget but it was still a ton of fun to look around.  We had a lovely celebration and I am looking forward to many more years as a family.  (James hates to interupt events to take a picture and refused to let me for most of the night.  He finally capitulated when we got back to our room so I took a few and the rest of the night is just a memory.)

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